GC Activities

GC Activities Gallery

Activities done by the Graduation Committee


 Panel Discussion


The Faculty of Business and Economics Graduation Committee had organized a panel discussion on issue related to the vulnerability of Dire Dawa for flood disaster.

The Panel discussion was organized by the graduation committee of FBE and Dire Dawa City Administration. On the discussion, Asrar Bedru, the president of the Graduation Committee mentioned even if FBE is not concerned with land or soil oriented courses, as an Ethiopian it is a responsibility of every i9ndividual to contribute on fighting this disaster.

Professor Doctor Engineer Tafa, Haramaya University Department of Soil and Water Engineering and Management, noted every one should act on this disaster prevention activity starting from cleaning every small drainage systems located in Dire dawa.

On the event, More than 1500 participant students and the University’s higher officials attended. Coca Cola Company and Vera Pasta contributed refreshments for students on the panel discussion.